The main setpiece on the map. Serves as Fuel Rod Spawn, a safe spawn area, and a large piece of cover from the rest of the map. Split Red Spawns are located just beyond the small doorway and up the hill to the left.   ···  
Tricky, curved terrain is contrasted by the longest unbroken sightline, in order to make players on lower levels consider fighting back rather than running blindly. Secondary Blue and LightRifle spawns are located here.   ···  
The exposed slope here is both powerful and vulnerable. Tricky terrain offers players interesting and challenging gunfights, while scant cover forces the established players to hold, push along the rock pathway, or drop.   ···  
This alternate view displays the other side of the chicane and the Fuel Rod spawn. The platform at center is a jump route from the Collapse over to the Cavern/Column position and vice-versa. Very exposed, gunfights occur.   ···  
Compelling lighting and visual framing draws the players eyes out and then down to the Courtyard. Creative climbers can take an alternate pathway to the right and reach the Crag without being seen (not pictured).   ···  
This position is the end of the teleporter in Couloir. It can see the vast majority of the playable space. Players intending to use it as a power position are exposed to the entire map. Look out for backsmacks.   ···  
An alternate view showing the pathing and curvature of the geometry, as well as the small amount of cover for players approaching from the Clocktower.   ···  
The lowest point of the map. Damage Boost and Teleporter are to the left (off camera), sentinel beam spawns at the Statue. The path pictured leads up and around past the Column to the Cavern.   ···  
These platforms are playable and destructible. They provide creative players jump paths over the top of Courtyard to Backyard (Red Spawn).   ···  
Framed sightline from LightRifle spawn to Clocktower. Players aware of teleporting enemies can come here and get a shot or two off quite easily, or use the Cluster Grenade from the central platform to block the exit.   ···  
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